Is a Thai Massage Too Rough?

When it comes to Thai massages, it's important to remember that your therapist will adjust the pressure according to your comfort level. Pittayakorn explains that if you feel any pain during the massage, all you need to do is let your therapist know and they will immediately reduce the pressure. After the session is over, you should feel nothing but pleasure and joy from the massage. It's understandable to be concerned about whether a Thai massage will be too rough for you.

After all, Thai massagers typically use their hands and elbows to apply pressure to your body. To help ensure that your massage is comfortable, there are two words you can learn right away: “jeb” and “bao bao”. If the massage is becoming too intense, simply say “jeb” and your massager will know to reduce the pressure. If you want them to go even softer, say “bao bao” and they'll know to lighten up.

Florence Baird
Florence Baird

Award-winning tv practitioner. Typical tv expert. Incurable organizer. Incurable zombie scholar. Infuriatingly humble twitter specialist.